Differences between ChessBase and the Chess programs


Fritz and the other Chess Programs like Komodo etc. are Playing and Analysis programs. Chessbase is a Database management program. Their functions do overlap in many areas, and they both have a great deal of sophisticated functions.

Both programs can be considered specialized interfaces that sit on top of / let you access a chess database.  The database is in a proprietary format called ChessBase format.  Both programs let you import and export to the standard known as PGN.  CB formatted databases are designed to save a very large amount of other game related data.  PGN is pretty much just the bare minimum of information, in text form.

Fritz focuses on you, the user, playing against it.  It will give you hints and talk to you.  It will do a complete analysis of your game and will let you add your own annotations. The full analysis will find almost any tactic that you missed that would have been spotted by a very high rated player. 

ChessBase is designed to perform searches of games based on players, exact positions, tournaments or material.  It also will create Opening trees of variations, tell you how successful particular lines have been and will let you run training exercises.


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